The Sight Center of Northwest PA occupational therapy program

Occupational Therapy

As part of the low vision evaluation, you may be referred to an occupational therapist (OT), who will help you implement aspects of the rehabilitation plan which may include:

  • instruction in the use of new techniques for daily tasks
  • instruction in the use of prescribed low vision devices
  • modification of your visual environment to enhance the use of vision
  • the use of appropriate psychosocial support
  • referral to other programs, both within and outside of our agency

The OT will begin your appointment with a functional assessment of visual abilities used in everyday tasks. These visual tasks might include reading, writing, moving through space, grooming, watching television, cooking, cleaning, household repair, finding lost objects, or other educational, vocational, or recreational pursuits. The nature and extent of services needed is guided by the results of this functional assessment. The assessment includes:

  • a review of the information from the clinical low vision examination
  • an assessment of the individual’s functional visual abilities for everyday tasks with and without the low vision devices prescribed by the eye care specialist
  • an assessment of the environment in which vision will be used, including but not limited to lighting, color and contrast, position in space, and time factors associated with the completion of tasks, and the size and distance of objects

Occupational therapy, in conjunction with the low vision evaluation, is an integral part of maintaining your independence. An OT is knowledgeable and skilled in low vision service provision, and adheres to the highest clinical standards. He/She will ensure that low vision services are as complete as possible and that your unique needs are met.